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IELTS Writing Help

One of the most daunting parts of IELTS writing for most students is Part 2 – the part where you have to write an essay – because of the lack of practise they have and more importantly lack of knowledge of the structure of how to answer each essay. Below I have outlined the basic format when dealing with an essay type below. If you stick to this simple structure, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Essay Type: Argument - discuss the views mentioned and then give your own opinion.
Sample Question: Some people prefer to shop in traditional stores, others prefer to do their shopping online. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Introduction: Paraphrase the task. In other words rewrite the task and explain what the reader is about to read. Don’t waste your time on this part and keep it to a few sentences.
Paragraph 1: Write about one of the views here. Support with examples.
Paragraph 2: Write about the other view here. Support with examples
Paragraph 3: Write your own view on the argument here.
End: Finish by summarising. Again, don’t waste too much time here and keep it to a couple of sentences.

Essay Type: Agree or disagree
- to agree or disagree with a statement that is given. Also, if asked ‘to what extend’ do you agree or disagree, then this is to show how much you agree or disagree or if you are torn on the statement.
Sample Question: With the increased global demand in oil and gas, undiscovered areas of the world should be opened up to access more resources. To what extent do you agree?
Introduction: Paraphrase the task. In other words, rewrite the task, say if you agree or disagree or partly agree if it is to what extend and explain what the reader is about to read. Don’t waste your time on this part and keep it to a few sentences.
Paragraph 1: Reason 1 why you agree or disagree or are torn. Including examples to support your reasons.
Paragraph 2: Reason 2 why you agree or disagree or are torn. Including examples to support your reasons.
Paragraph 3: Only if needed add another reason using the above structure
End: Mention your choice again like in the first paragraph and end. Don’t waste too much time here and keep it to a few sentences

Essay Type: Specific Question - you are given some questions that need to be answered
Sample Question: To some people studying the past has little value in the modern world. Why do you think it is important to do so? What will be the effect if children are not taught history?
Introduction: Paraphrase the task. In other words rewrite the task and then explain what the reader is about to read. Don’t waste your time on this part and keep it to a few sentences.
Paragraph 1: Answer to question 1. Support your ideas with examples
Paragraph 2: Answer to question 2. Support your ideas with examples
Paragraph 3: If needed again follow the same structure as above.
End: Finish by summarising. Again, don’t waste too much time here and keep it to a couple of sentences.

Essay Type Advantages & Disadvantages - to write about advantages and disadvantages connected to a statement.
Sample Question: Many elderly people are no long looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
Introduction: Paraphrase the task. In other words rewrite the task and explain what the reader is about to read. Don’t waste your time on this part and keep it to a few sentences.
Paragraph 1: Write about the advantages. Choose 2 – 3 advantages
Paragraph 2: Write about the disadvantages. Choose 2-3 disadvantages
End: Finish by summarising. Again, don’t waste too much time here and keep it to a few of sentences.

Essay type Mixed Essay - to answer to what extend do you agree and a specific question in one essay.
Sample Question: Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?
Introduction: Paraphrase the task. In other words, rewrite the task, say if you agree or disagree or partly agree if it is to what extend and explain what the reader is about to read. Don’t waste your time on this part and keep it to a few sentences.
Paragraph 1: Reason 1 why you agree or disagree or are torn. Including examples to support your reasons.
Paragraph 2: Reason 2 why you agree or disagree or are torn. Including examples to support your reasons.
Paragraph 3: Answer question. Support your ideas with examples

Good Luck!



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